Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Exhibit Tables at the Women's Conference 2010

As we approach the beginning of the new year, 2010, plans are coming together for the Women's Conference, "A Gathering of Women".

We will once again, EAT PLAY PRAY together. I am so looking forward to seeing you all again. Please check the lobby for more information as we will be displaying the fliers and posters fairly soon.

If you are interested in an exhibit table, please contact me about a space. The exhibits will be indoors for this conference and as it will be May, it means the temperatures will be on the rise.
Since the exhibits will be indoors, space is definitely limited. Reserve your space early.
At least get your name on the list so you won't miss out. Last year, we had wonderful exhibits and we look forward to another successful year.
Call or email: Bonnie, 480-948-7460, ext. 155 and email: bonnie@thecasa.org

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